March was – interesting. Peter completed spraying etch primer on the body, which now looked smooth and lovely. He then bought some paint, code GN29, which he’s used for years and which we knew from his swatches from previous applications that it should have been the same colour as my car’s remaining paintwork (engine bay, inside boot and bonnet, for example). Except I got a call from Peter who was unsure at first if the paint he’d ordered was right – it was ‘too rich’. I went up to his workshop and we both agreed that the tin of GN29 was nearer turquoise than British Racing Green. Yuk! So we went to another trade paint outlet – and their code GN29 was turquoise too. Seems as if the formulation has changed. Peter did explain but I’m still not sure I understand the chemistry of two-pack paint, except that it’s a dye combined with a sort of glue. Long story short, we bought some specially made-up paint that matched his swatches – and here you see the first fruits of his painting work. |

In the end, I managed to track down a ‘new’ quarterlight (actually second-hand as new ones are no longer made) for the driver’s side from Welsh MG.
I also bought a brand new moulded carpet set and quite a few other bits and bobs ready to be fitted when the time comes…