Why I have moved to Linux – kind of

Due to unusual circumstances, I find myself inthe fortunate position of possessing not just one but three personal computers.

One is a full-fat desktop that’s my main machine, another is a full-fat laptop that serves the same purpose when I’m on a business trip away from home. And the third, gifted to me by Lenovo as an apology for messing me about (a superb exercise in customer relations), consists of a netbook for when I’m just out and about.

That’s the machine with Ubuntu on it.

What about the others? It’s as simple as this: both have installed on them apps that simply don’t have have Linux equivalents. I like Ubuntu, especially as, unlike Windows, it stops and starts exactly as you’d expect it to.

Windows has never done this, either on the desktop or laptop. Either it won’t startup properly, or it’s lost a setting somewhere, or it won’ sleep reliably, and wakes up to leave me with a dead battery. Ubuntu has never done this.

Ubuntu happily runs OpenOffice, Thunderbird and Firefox, along with a small number of other comms apps such as Pidgin. I like the interface too.

But Ubuntu won’t run Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop, or a number of other (for me) must-have apps. When the equivalents turn up I’ll be there.

Until then, Windows remains in pole position…
